Encyclopédie Marikavel-Jean-Claude-EVEN/Encyclopaedia/Enciclopedia/Enzyklopädie/egkuklopaideia
Noms de personnes |
![]() England Bro-Saoz |
Churchover contenant le site de Cave's Inn Farm Tripontium |
i![]() Warwickshire Bro Ger-Warwig |
page ouverte le 13.04.2006 |
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forum de discussion
* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica |
dernière mise à jour 05/04/2010 13:11:27 |
Définition : Commune d'Angleterre; comté de Warwickshire; ancien établissement romain Tripontium, sur le cours médian de la grande route Ermine Street, tout près de la rivière Swift. |
Extrait de la carte Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain. |
Histoire; Archéologie : Le territoire dépend de la tribu des Les Anglo-Saxons se sont emparés du site dans le courant du VIè siècle, probablement peu de temps après la défaite finale des Britto-romains à Deorham, en 577. |
Étymologie : A. Tripontium : * Rivet & Smith, 476 : SOURCE : AI 4772 (Iter VI) : TRIPONTIO. DERIVATION. " The name is Latin, '(place of the) three bridges' (but see below), formed in the same way as Trimontium. Jackson in Britannia, I (1970), 79, takes an extreme Celticist view when he says that the name is a 'compound of *tri-" three " and *pontio- from Latin pont- and the *-io suffix. The Latin word was borrowed into British, whence Welsh pont, so that this is not a hybrid'. This seems unnecessarily complicated in view of the Latin name Pontibus in Britain, and of the fact that; Latin tres tri- regularly enters into such compounds in other provinces, e.g. Tresarbores, Tres Tabernae, Tricornia Castra; compare other numerals in Ad Duos Pontes, Septem Arae, etc. The name is best regarded as purely Latin, whether or not it translates an earlier Celtic *briva name. For the force of the plural in such names, see DUROBRIVAE 1. At the Roman settlement identifed below there is, however, no river such as to warrant any kind of 'bridge'; it may be neccessary to suggest a sense for the present name of 'causeway, raised passage over wet ground', or similar". IDENTIFICATION. The Roman settlement at Cave's Inn Farme, Churchover, Warwickshire (SP 5379). B. Churchover : * Eilert Ekwall, p. 354 : "Wavre, Wavra, Gavra DB, Wafre Hy 2 DC, Bruneswavere 1236, Cestrestwaver 1242 Fees, Thestrewaure 1305 Ch, Chirchewouere 1291 Tax.; Apparently and old name of the Swift, identical with Waver (Cumberland) (Wovere Watir 14). See PNWa(S). The meaning is 'winding stream', an accurate name". -------------- Observation JCE : le mot anglais winding signifie : sinueux. Ceci confirmerait l'idée de Rivet & Smith évoquant l'idée d'un 'terrain humide', contenant souvent des méandres. |
Sources : * Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain. 1956. * Eilert EKWALL : The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-names. Clarendon Press. 1980. * A.L.F RIVET & Colin SMITH : The Place-names of Roman Britain. Batsford Ltd. London. 1979 ******* Envoi personnalisé de : |
Liens électroniques des sites Internet traitant de Churchover / Tripontium : * lien communal officiel : * Autres liens et sites Internet : * forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica hast buan, ma mignonig go fast, my little friend |