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Venta Silurum

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* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica

dernière mise à jour 19/04/2010 13:36:19

Définition : Capitale britto-romaine de la civitas des Silures, sur la rivière Taroci / ***.

Ville du comté de Monmouthshire.


Extrait d'Ordnance survey : Map of Roman Britain. 1956


Extrait d'Ordnance Survey. The Dark Ages. 1956

Extrait de Allan Sorrell : Early Wales Re-creataed, figure 9 :

Caerwent, Gwent. A bird's eye view of the roman town.

Signed, 1937. 70x93,5 cm. National Museum of Wales.

This was the earliest picture undertaken by Sorrell for the Museum and was the first of several he was to paint of the Roman town of Caerwent . Like his later painting of Caerleon, it is a general view showing the entire walled town of 44 acres, its streets, its defences and its main public buildings ...


Caerwent, vue aérienne en 1937

Toujours selon la plaquette Alan Sorrell, Caerwent a été créée vers 75 environ après J.C, et est devenue la nouvelle ville de marché et centre administratif des Silures.

L'histoire de Venta Silurum / Caerwent est incluse dans celle de la province romaine Britannia Prima, capitale Corinium / Cirencester, puis dans celle du Pays de Galles.


Alan Sorrell : dessin de reconstitution

Étymologie :

* Eilert Ekwall : Venta Silurum, 4 I.A; Cair Guent, c 800 H.B; Cairguent, Urbs Genti, c. II50 LL.

"The original name is identical with the old name of Winchester. Later welsh caer 'castle', 'fort', was prefixed".

* Rivet & Smith (p. 493) :

Sources : 

- AI 4859 (Iter XIV) : VENTA SILURUM

- Ravenna 10622 : VENTASLURUM

Derivation :

See BANNAVENTA. The sense is probably 'market of the Silures'. The name survives in part : it was Cair Guent in Nennius, and the name Gwent is now applied to a large administrative area of S. Wales.

Identification : The Roman city at Caerwent, Monmouthsire; capitale of the Silures.


Formes bretonnes anciennes

* Nennius : Cair Guent.

- Geoffroy de Monmouth :  

- Jésus Collège :  


* I.A RICHMOND : Roman Britain. Penguin books. 1955 - 1973.

* John BARTHOLOMEWS & Son Ltd : Half Inch Map Series. The Wye Valley. N° 13. 1973.

* Eilert EKWALL : The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-names.

* Alan SORRELL : Early Wales Re-created. National museum of Wales. Cardiff. 1980. 

* A.L.F RIVET & C. SMITH : The Place-names of roman Britain.Batsford Ltd. London. 1979 / 1982.

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hast buan, ma mignonig vas vite, mon petit ami

go fast, my little friend

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