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* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica |
dernière mise à jour 13/05/2009 13:20:18 |
Peuple celte stationné au nord du Pays de Galles, dans le Flintshire. |
Extrait de la carte Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain |
Étymologie :
* Rivet & Smith, Place-Names of Roman Britain, p 331 : DECEANGLI (?) SOURCES - Inscriptions on lead pigs : CIL VII. 1204 and EE VII. 1121, both found at Chester, to be dated to A.D. 74; and CIL VII. 1205, found at Hints Common (Staffs.), to be dated to A.D. 76 (also Burn, 1969, No. 25, p. 25). The faint inscription on these has been read in diverse ways, but seems to be DECEANGL, perhaps to be expanded DECEANGL(icum metallum); see JRS, XII (1922), 283-84, and G. Webster in Flintshire Historical Society, XIII (1953), 3ff. - Tacitus Annals XII, 32 : in the MSS inde Cangos, probably to be adjusted in Decangos (ace.) See also the note to DECANTAE. For the textual tradition of Tacitus and the various emendations proposed, see the Furneaux text of the Annals (2nd edn, Oxford, 1907; n, 99-100), where the passage is very fully annotated, and where possible interpretations of the text on the lead pigs are discussed also. We have preferred to accept the epigraphic evidence (normally the best) and to think that Tacitus's text requires emendation to in Dec(e)ang(l)os. See M. G- Jarrett and J. C. Mann, 'The Tribes of Wales', in Wehh History Review, IV (1968), 161-74, at 165-66. It has however been argued that there were two adjacent tribes, the Deceangli in Flintshire and the Decangi (of Tacitus, that is, without emendation) in Herefordshire; see, for example, S. C. Stanford in Arch. J., CXXVII (1970), 124, with a rebuttal by G. Webster in The Cornovii (London, 1975), 7-8. The Gangani people of north-west Wales (recorded by Ptolemy) are almost certainly not involved here. DERIVATION. None can be suggested; no root known to us is visible, and there are apparently no similar names elsewhere. The name might just possibly have *dec- as in Decantae and -ang- corresponding to -anc- as in other British names, but this obviously neglects several other features in the name as recorded. It is always possible that the epigraphic form is itself not merely abbreviated but compressed also; further discoveries — by no means impossible — might give us better forms as in the case of the lead pigs of Lutudarum. IDENTIFICATION. A people of Britain dwelling in the lead-mining area of Flintshire. ******* Étymologie non raccordée. JCE : La première syllabe, Dê : Dieu, la Divinité. |
Histoire : Ils ont été attaqués une première fois en 49 par Ostorius Scapula, mais cette attaque a tourné court, car Scapula a été contraint de détourner ses troupes pour répondre à l'appel de Cartimandua, la reine pro-romaine des Brigantes, plus au nord. Les Deceangli ont été définitivement soumis et annexés par Petilius Cerialis, la chose était entendue au moins en 74, si l'on se base sur la production de lingots de plomb de cette époque (cf. I.A Richmond; Roman Britain, p 39). ******* |
Sources. Bibliographie : - Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain. - A.L.F RIVET & Colin SMITH : The Place-names of Roman Britain. B.T Batsford Ltd. London. 1979-1982. * forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica hast buan, ma mignonig go fast, my little friend |