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* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica

dernière mise à jour, le 10/11/2009 13:36:18

Peuple celte de la (G)Bretagne qui fait partie d'une vague archaïque. Actuellement en Écosse, partie ouest du Sutherland, comprenant Loth.


Extrait de la carte Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain.

Les Lugi sont soulignés de rouge


Extrait de JC Even : Grande Bretagne celtique

Les Lugi sont soulignés de rouge

Étymologie :

Sources : A.L.F RIVET & C. SMITH : Place-names of Roman Britain, p 401 :

- Ptolémée, II,3,8 : Lougoi ( = LUGI); variantes Logoi ( = LOGI); Lougous ( accusatif = LUGOS)

DERIVATION. There is an admirable discussion of this name by Anders Ahlqvist in BBCS, xxvi (1974-76), 143-46; he had earlier studied the same name applied to a people of Silesia. After discussing numerous possibilities advanced by others, Ahlqvist prefers to connect the ethnicon with the divine name Lugus (sec the next entry), or with a word meaning 'black' (Celtic *lugos > Irish loch 'black') and hence perhaps 'raven' in Gaulish (Gaulish lougos recorded as Lougos by Clitophon of Rhodes). In the latter case this tribe ' may have been a dark pre-Celtic people, like the Silures' (Watson, quoted by Ahlqvist), though there is general agreement that their name is of Celtic origin. But a sense 'raven-people' may well be preferable, especially since C. Thomas in Arch.J., cxviii (1961), 40, has drawn attention to the number of North British tribes whose animal names may indicate that they were characterised by animal-cults (see EPIDII). Thc name Lugi may survive in Loth, the name of a parish in south-east Sutherland (older Logh) ; possibly also in Louth in Ireland. The tribal name Lugoni (Lougonoi, Ptolemy II, 6, 32) in north-west Iberia, and Luguadici in an inscription CIL II. 2732 from near Segovia (Segovia, Spain), may well contain thc same element".

IDENTIFICATION. A people of Scotland, placed by Ptolemy between the Decantae and the Cornovii of Caithness and so apparently occuping eastern Sutherland, including Loth"


JC Even : Grande Bretagne Celtique. 1982 : Les Lugi sont sous le vocable du dieu Lug, qui est aussi l'éponyme des Smertae et Decantae, peuples voisins immédiats des Lugi. Ces trois peuples constituent un apport intermédiaire entre le groupe en K.R.N situé au nord (Caereni, Carnonacae, Cornovii, Creones), à savoir les *Cruithni, et le groupe des Damnonii situé au sud.



Étude des 'vagues celtiques' en Île de Bretagne (JC Even. Copyright 1982)

A gauche, la théorie; à droite, l'application. 

En rouge : localisation des Lugi

Sources. Bibliographie

* A.L.F Rivet & Colin Smith : The Place-Names of Roman Britain. Batsford Ltd. London. 1979 / 1982

* JC Even : Grande Bretagne celtique. Trégrom. 1982.

autres sites Internet traitant des Lugi : 

* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica

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go fast, my little friend

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