Encyclopédie Marikavel-Jean-Claude-EVEN/Encyclopaedia/Enciclopedia/Enzyklopädie/egkuklopaideia
pajenn bet digoret ar 27.07.2005 | page ouverte le 27.07.2005 | ![]() |
* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica |
dernière mise à jour : 01/08/2021 10:44:28 |
Peuple celte de la (G)Bretagne,
stationné près de l'embouchure de la Humber.
Ptolémée leur attribue comme capitale : Petuaria, aujourd'hui Brough-on-Humber. |
Extrait de la carte Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain |
Histoire : |
Étymologie :
* A.L.F Rivet & Colin Smith : The Place-names of Roman Britain, p 435-36 : - Ptolémée, II,3,10 : Parisoi ( = Parisi); variante Pareisoi ( = Pareisi). (The appearance of the letter C on the left side-panel of RIB 707 has suggested that it was matched by a P on the missing right side-panel, the two standing fur C(ivitas) P(arisorum). This is conjectural, and not universally accepted, but has an important bearing on the vexed question of the status of PETUARIA (q.v.)) DERIVATION. The name is identical with that of the Gaulish Parisii, which survives as that of the capital of France: for a discussion of the connection, see I. M. Stead, The La Tène Cultures of Eastern Yorkshire (York, 1966), and H. G. Ramm, The Parisi (London, 1978). Holder II. 932 explains their name by comparison with an assumed *Quar-isii in Q-Celtic, based on a verb-stem *qari-*qariu-, citing as a derivative Old Irish cuirim 'ich setze, stelle', a cognate being Old Welsh peri, infinitive of pararn, paraf 'würke'; with suffixes *-is-io-. To this O'Rahilly EIHM 147-48 adds the parallel of the Quariates people of the Alps, whose name in P-Celtic would be *Pariatis, a precise forerunner of Welsh peiriad 'one who causes'. Senses suggested for the ethnic name are 'efficaces, strenui' (Zeuss) and 'gens dont les actes produisent des effets' (d'Arbois de Jubainville); but O'Rahilly thinks the Quariates have the name of a deity which means 'the shaper, maker'. Any one of these might have applied to the Parisi; the suggestion about a base in a divine name is that most in accord with modem thinking about many ethnic names.IDENTIFICATION. A people of eastern Yorkshire to whom Ptolemy, placing them next to the Brigantes and near Gabrantovicum Sinus, ascribes only Petuaria (q.v.) ------------ Observation JC Even : |
Bibliographie :
* A.L.F Rivet & Colin Smith : The Place-names of Roman Britain. B.T Batsford Ltd. London. 1979-1982 - JC Even : Histoire Nationale des Bretons, de l'Aube des Temps à la fin du Vè siècle après J.C. Lannion. 1996 (publication Internet : http://marikavel.org/histoire/histoire-titre.htm) |
Liens électroniques
des sites Internet traitant des Parisi de G. Bretagne
* Site Internet Roman Britain : - http://www.roman-britain.org/tribes/parisi.htm - http://www.roman-britain.org/places/petuaria.htm * forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica * forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica * Autres pages de l'encyclopédie Marikavel.org pouvant être liées à la présente : http://marikavel.org/heraldique/bretagne-familles/accueil.htm http://marikavel.org/broceliande/broceliande.htm * solidarité nationale bretonne avec le département de Loire Atlantique : Loire-Atlantique * sauf indication contraire, l'ensemble des blasons figurant sur cette page ont été dessinés par J.C Even, sur bases de GenHerald 5. * Introduction musicale de cette page : Bro Goz Ma Zadoù, hymne national breton, au lien direct : http://limaillet.free.fr/MP3s/BroGoz.mp3 hast buan, ma mignonig, karantez
vras am eus evidout go fast, my little friend, I love you very much |