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* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica

dernière mise à jour : 02/11/2012 08:48:21

Définition : ancien fort romain du Mur d'Hadrien.


Extrait de la carte Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain.

La confusion locale entre BANNA, CAMBOGLANNA, et UXELLODUNUM

Rectification : BANNA : Birdoswald; CAMBOGLANNA : Castlesteads; UXELLODUNUM : Stanwic 


Extrait de la carte Ordnance Survey : Hadrian's Wall.



Selon la Notitia Dignitatum, fin IVè siècle, la forteresse de Banna a reçu en garnison l'unité :  

- Cohors Prima Aelia Dacorum = Première cohorte Dace Aelienne.

Étymologie : selon Rivet & Smith :  

A. Banna, selon Rivet & Smith, p. 261-262 : 

- Rudge Cup et patère d'Amiens : BANNA.

- Ravenna, 10728 : BANNA

- Inscription, RIB 1905 : dédicace au dieu Silvanus par les VENATORES BANNIESS(ES)

- Notitia Dignitatum, XL 43a : Tribunus cohortis primae Aeliae Dacorum BANNA.

- Notitia Dignitatum, XL 44 : Tribunus cohortis secundae Tungrorum CAMBOGLANNA. This seems not only acceptable, but, once demonstrated, obvius.


The root is British *banno- *banna 'peak, horn ', surviving in Welsh and Breton ban, and known in Old Irish as benn, all with the original senses. For Gaulish Dottin LG 85 and 231 identified *benno- in the sense 'tongue, horn' applied to promontories. The word entered an area of Vulgar Latin and produced Old Provençal ban, bana, Catalan banya 'horn' (ELH I. 146). In toponymy the root is well known. In Britain were Bannatia, Bannaventa, Bannovalium; abroad *Banna > Bannes (Marne, France : Holder III. 799)', Cantobenna > Chantoin (Puy-de-Dôme, France) with adjectival Canto-benn-icus 'white-peaked' (Watson CPNS 31), Brigobanne (TP) now Hüfingen(Austria),*Bannobriga > Banobre (Coruna, Spain). There seems to have been a personal name also; a moulded text on a small pan probably from an apothecary's scales, found at Sea Mills, reads (B)LNNLF 'Banna fecit' (JRS, LIV (1964), 179), a mark known also from several Continental places (Holder I. 341, III. 799). In place-names Banna clearly indicates a notable 'horn', 'spur' or promontory of rock. According to Rostaing ETP 86-87, *ban- *ben-is, beyond Celtic, a pre-Indo-European element whose sense evolved from 'hauteur' to 'pointe', which fits neatly with 'horn, peak'; his examples include a Banata in Mesopotamia, the Banienses people of Lusitania, Bantia in Apulia and the famous fountain Bandusia of Horace.

Adjectival Banniess(es) in the inscription shows Vulgar Latin assimilation of -ns- > -ss-; compare a similar adjective with assimilation under VINDOLANDA, and see p. 25."

Signification du mot BANNA : bec, pointe, hauteur.


B. Birdoswald : selon Eilert Ekwall : 

- Borddosewald, c 1200 WR; Burthoswald, Lanercost. "Oswald's fold" (Welsh Buarth). The place-name is welsh though Oswald is English.

Sources :

* Eilert Ekwall : The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names. Oxford. 1964-1980.

* Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain.

* ALF Rivet & Colin Smith : The Place-Names of Roman Britain. Batsford Ltd. London. 1979.

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* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica

hast buan, ma mignonig vas vite, mon petit ami

go fast, my little friend

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